Big Data, Big Information

Unfortunately, it's not that simple. There is certainly now lack of data available nowadays, but that doesn't mean that there is also an equal amount of information in the data. Thus more data does not equal better insights. The amount of data can, in reality, often obscures the information that we are looking for.

Data and what to do with it

Presenting the data to see the information.


The classic of date visualization. Numbers alone often don't quite tell the story


Visualizing data in maps to display the information wanted and gain insights


See the news as data and find the real information in it to learn what story is told


Necessary skill to know several languages and technologies to code processes


Data often comes in text format in different languages. Correct tranlsation is essential


Combining data analysis techniques and methods to gain insight is like assembling a puzzle.

Some of my recent works

I no longer have COVID-19 stats online, but it was very interesting to do and showed that the media narrative was mostly fake news - all using official data from the US (all states and national) and R to evaluate it.

The conflict maps are still online and will be expanded on in the future.

Privacy Policy

Every Site needs a privacy policy nowadays, so we have one too. It's a rather long read, so we have our own page for it.

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Phone & WhatsApp :

+41 76 246 9868

Address :

Dorf 16, CH-8704 Herrliberg